Uninstalling Endpoint Clients Through Command Line

Uninstalling Endpoint Clients Through Command Line

What is the proper procedure to uninstall the Endpoint through the command line as mentioned in the Endpoint deployment documentation?
The command to remove an Endpoint takes the following format:
msiexec /x "{ProductCode}" /qn XPSWD=<Endpoint password> /norestart 
  • /x {ProductCode} - Uninstall a specific application with the provided ProductCode
    • The ProductCode must be contained within quotes and brackets if using PowerShell
Optional Variables
  • /qn - Perform the uninstallation silently in the background
  • XPSWD - The Endpoint anti-tampering password, which if not provided will open a prompt on the local machine
  • /norestart - Does not force a restart after completion
For troubleshooting purposes, the following can be included at the end of the string to log uninstallation details:
/lvx* %TEMP%ForcepointUninstall.log

To obtain the Identifying Number, run the following PowerShell command on a machine with the Endpoint client:
gwmi Win32_Product -filter "name LIKE '%ENDPOINT%'" 
For all Endpoint clients of the same build, the Identifying-Number is the same. Different builds of the Endpoint will have different Identifying-Number values.

Alternatively, the Identifying Number to use can be found in the registry under the following path:
