The command to remove an Endpoint takes the following format:
msiexec /x "{ProductCode}" /qn XPSWD=<Endpoint password> /norestart
- /x {ProductCode} - Uninstall a specific application with the provided ProductCode
- The ProductCode must be contained within quotes and brackets if using PowerShell.
Optional Variables
- /qn - Perform the uninstallation silently in the background
- XPSWD - The Endpoint anti-tampering password, which if not provided will open a prompt on the local machine
- /norestart - Does not force a restart after completion
For troubleshooting purposes, the following can be included at the end of the string to log uninstallation details:
/lvx* %TEMP%ForcepointUninstall.log
To obtain the Identifying Number, run the following
PowerShell command on a machine with the Endpoint client:
gwmi Win32_Product -filter "name LIKE '%ENDPOINT%'"
For all Endpoint clients of the
same build, the Identifying-Number is the same. Different builds of the
Endpoint will have different Identifying-Number values.
Alternatively, the Identifying Number to use can be found in the registry under the following path: