In DE 7.0 and later, the
Export recovery information based on Disk Keycheck option allows you to export a recovery information file (
.xml) by specifying the Key Check Value retrieved from an encrypted disk using DETech/ EETech. You are no longer required to check in the as you were with earlier releases.
Obtain the
Key Check Value from the client, then add that value in the ePO console.
Client: Use a DETech CD to obtain the
Key Check Value.
- Create a bootable Recovery DETech CD. For instructions, see the DETech User Guide (PD24871)
- Start the client from the DETech CD.
- Navigate to the Disk information section to obtain the Key Check Value.
ePO console: To export the recovery key, click
System Tree,
Drive Encryption, and select
Export recovery information based on Disk Keycheck.