How to create:: Block RDP print screen capture condition.
a. Under Policy management/Resource/Endpoint application/MSTSC
under MSTSC Select permit or block and deploy.
b. Under Policy management/Resource/ Endpoint application group/ create new group RDP block and in edit option add this mstsc.
c. Now you can apply these conditions to the particular policy, Hostname, Particular user.
1.under Policy management > Dlp policies >Manage policies > Add > Custom Policy.
2. Give condition to a.Monitor all the activities.
b.Couple of conditions such as file properties, fingerprinting..etc according to customer requirement.
3. Give Severity & Action as Severity-Medium Action plan-Block all.
4. We can mention Source as a bunch of users or all users.
5. Provide the Destination as the Endpoint Applications
6.Under Endpoint Applications edit and add the Predefined condition, which we created to block the RDP print screen capture(Part.1)