Forcepoint Websecurity Authentication
1. Customers will complain about authentication not working. Check the following things in order.
a) In Content gateway deployment where the Authentication is enabled using IWA. Check how the End user is pointing to proxy? By using FQDN of the host configured as proxy (it can be inside PAC also) or based on IP.
In case of FQDN check Kerberos Authenticaton is succeeding or failing.
In case of IP address the authentication will fall back to NTLM.
Start by checking the system time on the contentgateway/appliance. Authentication will not work if there is a time skew. If the difference between the server and AD server is more than 10 mins authentication will fail.
applianceview#show system clock --time (Ver 8.4 onwards).
CentOS#date (This will display the system date and time). You can use the date -s "modified date and time"
If time is not the issue. Unjoin and join the contentgateway to make it work. (However care need to be taken when the proxies are deployed in load balanced mode as there are specific methods that are adopted to authentication users in load-balanced environment).