Forcepoint Cloud Web Endpoint Deployment

Forcepoint Cloud Web Endpoint Deployment

Table of Contents

Forcepoint Web Cloud Endpoint

  1. Creating Endpoint package for deploying Forcepoint Cloud Endpoint.

Login to and navigate to Web  Settings  Endpoint.

Under the Endpoint you will find “Deployment Settings” please copy the WSCONTEXT which is unique for each customer. You can also set “Anti-Tampering password”

  1. Installing the endpoint from Windows

Follow the steps below to deploy an endpoint client on a single machine.

  1. Unzip the downloaded endpoint file to a location on the machine.
  2. Open a command-line window, and navigate to the location of the unzipped endpoint files.
  3. Enter the following command:

msiexec /package "WebsenseEndpoint.msi" /norestart WSCONTEXT=xxxx

Where WSCONTEXT=xxxx is the unique GPO configuration code noted from the Endpoint Download page in the portal.

  1. To confirm the endpoint client is installed and running, go to Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services. Check that “Websense SaaS Service” is present in the Services list, and is started.

  1. Uninstalling the endpoint from Windows (Classic Proxy Connect and Direct Connect)

You can uninstall the endpoint client by doing the following:


Go to Control Panel Programs and Features, and select Websense Endpoint.


Click Uninstall.


Click Yes to continue. Then enter the endpoint anti-tampering password that you set in the cloud portal.


Click OK to begin uninstalling the endpoint.


You will receive a confirmation message if the endpoint was successfully uninstalled.

You can also uninstall the endpoint through the command line by running this command:

msiexec /uninstall "<path>\WebsenseEndpoint.msi" /qb /promptrestart XPSWDPXY=xxxx

Here, <path> is the path to your endpoint package, and xxxx is the anti-tampering password you set in the cloud portal.




If you uninstall the endpoint client, be sure to restart your operating system or your web browsing experience may be affected.

  1. Stop and Start the endpoint client on Windows.

Disable via CLI 

  1. Goto the EP installation directory(typically C:\Program Files\Websense\Websense Endpoint\) 
  2. Submit the command: wdeutil.exe -stop [ wspxy | wsts | wsrf | wsdlp | all ] 
  3. Enter the Antitampering password and you should be good to go!

Enable Via Cli 

  1. Goto the EP installation directory(typically C:\Program Files\Websense\Websense Endpoint\) 
  2. Submit the command: wdeutil.exe -start [ wspxy | wsts | wsrf | wsdlp | all ]

  1. Stop and start the endpoint client on MAC. 

To stop the endpoint client, navigate to the endpoint installation folder and run this command:

wepsvc -stop -password <password> wspxy

Replace <password> with the anti-tampering password.

To start the endpoint client, navigate to the endpoint installation folder and run this command:

wepsvc -start all