Perform the following steps to ensure the upgrade of ePO 5.x is successful.
Remove unnecessary data:
You can reduce the size of the unbounded tables in the ePO SQL database
by using purge server tasks in the ePO console. ePO has a default server
task for purging data from the EPOEvents and EPOProductEvents tables that is older than 90 days. Locate the Purge Threat and Client events Older than 90 days task in Server Tasks and click Run.
For the other tables, ePO does not have a default server task preconfigured to purge this data. Do the following to build one:
- Log on to the ePO console.
- Click Menu, Automation, Server Tasks.
- Click New Task, type an appropriate title in the Name field, and click Next.
- Select Purge Rolled-up Data from the Actions drop-down list.
Select Threat Events for the Data Type drop-down list, select Purge rolled up items older than, and determine the age of events you want to purge:
- Click the + symbol on the far-right side of the Actions drop-down list to add another action.
- Select Purge Rolled-up Data from the Actions drop-down list.
Select Client Events for the Data Type drop-down list, and select Purge rolled up items older than and the age of events you want to purge:
- Click the + symbol again, add additional Actions for Purge audit log and Purge Server Task Log, and click Next.
- Set a schedule for the task to run and click Next.
- Click Save.
- Run the new server task.
Verify that the server task has completed successfully.
NOTE: It might take a long time to purge the data.
Prepare the SQL Server:
If your company has a database administrator (DBA) for managing the SQL
Server, DBA involvement is likely required for the following steps:
- If you have changed the Database to Full Recovery Mode (default is Simple), perform a backup and set it to Simple Recovery Mode. This cleans the transaction log and limits the growth of the transaction log size.
- Ensure the disk volume that contains the transaction log has
additional free space, greater than the size of the ePO database MDF
file to be safe. If that is not possible, ensure it has enough space to
hold the largest of the tables listed above.
- Ensure the transaction log is set to auto-grow.
- Ensure the disk volume that contains the ePO database MDF file has
significant free space for duplicating your largest tables from the list
- Ensure that you have set aside significant time for the upgrade to
complete. It could take hours or potentially days, depending on the size
of the tables.
Supporting data:
The following data from comes our internal testing of the ePO 5.x table schema upgrade.
SQL Server specifications:
- Single SATA 2 spindle
- 4 Core 2.8 GHz Xeon
- LDF and MDF on same disk
| Table
| Row count
| Time
| MDF growth
| LDF growth
Large Client Event count. Modify Identity column while preserving time stamps.
| EPOProductEvents
| 60 million
| 2 hours 15 minutes
| 15 GB
| 36 GB
Large Audit Log count. Addition of int column with default constraint.
| OrionAuditLog
| 14.5 million
| 23 minutes
| 5 GB
| 5 GB
When you have performed the steps above and have adequate disk space on
the SQL Server for the upgrade to occur, let the installation proceed
after the warning.